
PUGNAT FRERES TP is at your service for all demolition work. We have the necessary equipment enabling us to respect the environment and recycle materials. Located in Sallanches (74), our business will make a feasability study of your project and provide a quote for clients throughout the Rhone Alps region.

Démolition PUGNAT TP Sallanches 74

An awareness of issues and risks.

The company's success is based on a participatory approach to continuous improvement that involves all our employees.
At the end of each project, the management and operators meet up to give some feedback.
This joint review allows us to combine the lessons learned while managing the project to offer our clients an even better quality of service.

The environment and the local area.

We pay special attention in reducing environmental pollution in the vicinity of the site.
For this purpose we have pipes and a meter to connect to fire hydrants, allowing us to water the working area and limit dust pollution.

Nous disposons pour cela de tuyaux et d’un compteur pour se brancher sur les bornes incendie, nous permettant d’arroser la zone de travail, limitant ainsi l’envol de poussières.

Démolition PUGNAT TP Sallanches 74
Démolition PUGNAT TP Sallanches 74

Demolition and re-building.

Demolishing makes way for rebuilding new structures and preparing new spaces for future generations while respecting the environment.
Our business involves systematically identifying, separating and transporting materials into suitable recycling channels.
To optimize recycling, we have a team specialized in clearing buildings due to be demolished. Their mission: to clear a building of any objects and remove non structural elements (windows, shutters, partitions ...).

Skip installation (gravel, wood, harmless industrial waste…) for selective sorting.